CROPDIVA’s first international symposium – ‘Agrobiodiversity along the value chain”

Date(s) - 4. Dezember 2023 - 6. Dezember 2023

St Peter’s Abbey

Kategorien Keine Kategorien

Dear Ladies and Gentleman,


We would like to inform you about our first international symposium ‘Agrobiodiversity along the value chain’ from the 4th to the 6th of December 2023 in Ghent.


The symposium website has been updated:

  • Announcement of the keynote speakers
  • The registration for the symposium is open now (reduced registration fee until 15 September 2023). Don’t forget that also Cropdiva-partners have to register.
  • Abstracts for an oral or poster presentation at the symposium can still be uploaded on the website (before 15 September 2023). Based on the submitted abstracts the final program will be made.

On the website you will also find the program and the practical information of the symposium.

Visit the symposium website on



On behalf of the UGent-team,





Greet Verlinden

T +32 9 243 24 01


Department of Plants and Crops

Experimental farm Bottelare HOGENT/UGent

Diepestraat 1, B-9820 Merelbeke, Belgium